Developed in Cooperation with Numinix, the inventor of the popular Numinix Store Credit module
The Numinix Store Credit Balance Reminder module will periodically send a store credit balance reminder to your customers.
Once set-up, it will send a defined block of emails, per run, to customers with a defined minimum balance amount.
The module easily allows you to configure how often the balance statement will be sent out. The delay time is checked against the Review Reward Module which already contains the updated Balance - a nice feature that avoids spamming customers with too high a frequency of emails with similar content.
Responsive Emails
Dank der Responsive Vorlagen Verwaltung können Sie die responsive Email Vorlage dieses Modules nach Ihren Wünschen anpassen.
Dazu sind keinerlei HTML Kenntnisse erforderlich, alle Texte können kompfortable bearbeitet werden. Was sind responsive Emails?
The Numinix Store Credit Display Balance Filterbeez Module – allows you to display the current Balance in any MailBeez generated Email !
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Numinix Store Credit: Review Rewards
Gambio GX2/GX3/GX4
Modified-Shop 1.x/2.x/3.x
ZenCart 1.3.x/1.5.x/2.x
osCommerce 2.x API V2
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