Hier ein neuer Showcase, der darstellt, wie MailBeez die Kundenkommunikation verbessern und zur Umsatzsteigerung beitragen kann...
erfordert MailBeez 2.1+
Mit diesem MailBeez Module kann der Geschäftsprozess zur Zahlungserinnerung bei Bestellungen per Vorka...
Default Template for Email Integration
Integrate your valuable Trustpilot Ratings into your Storefront and MailBee...
(English) Developed for months, announced for weeks, finally released:
The Multilanguage Template Manager is a must-have add-o...
(English) Version 2.1 of MailBeez brings a couple of interesting news. Many of the enhancements are hidden in the framework and...
(English) After a couple of months of work the Multilanguage Template Manager addon is almost ready for release.
Currently t...
(English) New MailBeez Partner: Shopauskunft.de slug: new-mailbeez-partner-shopauskunft-de
0 minute, 36 seconds
(English) German’s largest portal for customer reviews, SHOPAUSKUNFT.de is a new partner of MailBeez.
In unserem unabhängigen...
(English) Alwaysriding.co.uk seems to be always ahead:
During October 2009, we were notified that we had been chosen as one...
(English) MailBeez.com is now going through an Relaunch from ground-up
Based on the great S2Clean Theme from PrimoThemes th...
Finally the birthday coupon module is released.
Module Documentation and Download
This module works like the default birthda...