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Reward good customers like James...Reward good customers like James…

In the ever competitive e-commerce world, the hunt for new customers is a constant one. Like adventurers of old, the promise of the next customer is always just around the corner! However, if you run a successful online company, you probably already have a database of existing customers that regularly buy from your store, and forgetting about these big spenders in your email marketing efforts is not only a wasted opportunity, but a big mistake.

Let’s say Joe (hello Joe!) has bought from your store on three separate occasions. Joe is obviously a loyal customer, but would you take his business for granted, or choose to reward him with a voucher code to say a simple thank you? If you would do the latter, then you are already one step ahead of your competition.

Recognising and rewarding customer loyalty is powerful stuff. Just think about when you last received a thank you from a work colleague, e-commerce email, or customer assistant in store; how did you feel? We would imagine, probably really great, so the question is, why wouldn’t you make your loyal customers feel like this?

With the newly released Mailbeez Re-Order module, you can send a thank you email to your loyal customers after a pre-determined number of orders, and top it all off with a personalised coupon to show your appreciation for their continued business.

Taking advantage of Mailbeez’s fully automated architecture, you can simply design, test, then set and forget the module to automatically send an email to any customer who has ordered a certain number of times (configurable from your Mailbeez dashboard in your store admin area).

New customers will always be one of the main sources of revenue and growth for your company, but now with the Mailbeez Reorder module, you have the tools to automate customer loyalty email marketing, and at the same time say a big thank you to the customers who first trusted you with their business.

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